Front-Medium shot of kid, whole body, sitting down at bus stand.
Cut to close up shot of kid reading book.
Cut to long shot of two bullies walking.
Cut to tracking medium shot of bullies walking.
Camera stops and big bully points to rice stand.
Long shot/POV of rice stand.
Medium shot of both bullies as the small bully disapproves.
Cut to Front-Medium shot of kid, with bullies walking into the frame.
Medium shot of bully's from kid's point of view.
Medium shot of kid as he covers his face with the book.
Medium shot of bully's from kid's point of view as he picks up a rock and chucks a rock at the kid.
Cut half way through the 'chuck' to a Medium shot of kid as the rocks hits the wall.
Medium shot of the small bully picking up a rock and about to chuck it until big bully drags the small bully away with him.
Tracking shot of the two bullies as they're walking. Camera stops when the big bully points at the rice stand.
Medium shot/PV shot of Rice stand.
Medium shot as small bully shakes his head again. Small bully turns around.
Close up, over the shoulder, silhouette establishing shot as the small bully realises the forbidden rice field.
Medium shot of the small bully chucking a rock at the 'forbidden rice field sign'.
Cut to medium shot of rock hitting sign.
Medium shot of lonely kid waiting for the bus looking at his watch.
Medium shot of small bully picking up another rock, and offering it to the big bully.
Close up shot of big bully shaking his head in refusal and pointing at the rice stand.
Medium shot of rice stand.
Medium shot of small bully giving the rock directly into the big bully's hand.
Close up shot of big bully sighing.
Medium shot of big bully throwing the rock.
Close up shot of big bully's foot giving way to the ground.
Medium shot from behind of big bully falling into the rice field.
Long shot of bus approaching.
Close up shot of big bully scared face as he stretches his arm out for help.
Close up shot of small bully's face as he steps back reluctantly.
Medium shot of small bully running away.
Medium shot of lonely kid about to get on bus until he realises the big guy in the rice field.
POV shot of bus conducter lookin down at lonely kid as he shakes his head.
Medium shot of lonely kid running towards big guy.
Close up shot of big guy struggling.
Medium back shot of lonely kid lending a hand.
Medium side shot of kid helping the big guy out.
Medium side shot focussing onto the small bully in the distance.
Medium shot of small bully.
Close-up shot of small bully's face looking guilty.
Medium shot of lonely kid eventually helping the big bully out.
Close up of lonely kid's foot tripping over big bully's foot.
Medium shot of lonely kid falling into rice field.
Close up of hand reaching out to him before he hits the rice field.
Close up of lonely kids face as he gets saved in surprise. Camera tracks the hand to reveal who's hand it is, small bully's!
Cross dissolve into a medium front shot of them all sitting down exhausted.
Close up shot of sun fully coming out.
Close up shot of water evaporating from rice field.
Medium shot of field turning into rice!
Medium shot of big bully nudging small bully and pointing at the rice in the rice field.
Medium shot of rice.
Medium shot of small bully reaching his hand out, grabbing rice and giving it to big bully.
Close up shot of big bully looking happy.
Close up shot of lonely kid looking happy.
Medium shot of lonely kid reading book and then zooming out as we see the two bullies sitting around the kid hanging on every word.
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