Sunday 3 October 2010

Character Design: Second story idea

One town populated by Caterpillars, Chrysalis' and Butterflies.

Another town populated by Caterpillars, Cocoons and Moths.

Deep beneath Butterfly city are an evil secret agency that use the frozen state of their ancestor, a butterfly (a time machine), to travel back in time and change events in history for personal gain.

Deep beneath Moth city are a secret agent family, that use the frozen state of their ancestor, a Moth (a time machine), to travel back in time and fix the evil doings of the Butterfly city.

Legend: Two caterpillar lovers evolve into a butterfly and a moth. The family of the Butterfly refuse their child to be with a Moth. One day, the Butterfly and Moth wished both of them could be together in a different time and space, they wished so hard that their souls were lost in time, and all that was left of them, were the two bodies, frozen in time. Now, the bodies of these creatures are treasured by their descendants, and it is said that they hold the power to travel in time. However, the descendants of the butterfly family have used the time machine unethically and have changed pivotal events in history, it is up to the descendants of Moth City to save the future.

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