Saturday 15 June 2013

Num Num Version 3 Full HD 1080p

I've received some feedback on this new version already, and the consensus is that the old version of Num Num I submitted at hand-in is better. The previous user interface is much more legible and appeals to a wider audience. Despite the hard work put into the reworking of Num Num I may consider using the old version of Num Num at New Designers as I would like to catch the eye of as many people as possible.


  1. Hey Bo,

    Not sure who your feedback panel is, but I'm in total disagreement with their consensus! Aesthetically, this new version is much more resolved and sympathetic. Remember, this is a proof of concept, Bo - and it proves your concept very effectively; this version does more for you as a designer and art director than your previous version. Interface design is a tricky business, but you're closer than you were and taken as a whole, this new version is much more resolved and consistent. It's gentler, less 'motion-busy' and tactile. Remember too that your original version still exists so anyone who is very interested in the concept can view it. Trust me on this, Bo - this version is classier by about a million miles :)

  2. I actually prefer the old one, I don't get the new interface buttons. I understand the style but the imagery is unclear to me. Overall the interface isn't reading well to me as much as the previous one. ( Sorry Phil :p)

    1. Maybe make the labels more clearer, as to what each option is :)

    2. Strange - the buttons don't confuse me at all! The point is, I think, is that if this was an actual product, you'd have an initiation into the interface in some kind of pre-loading screen; this is like a slice taken out of a much bigger pie. In basic typeface terms, the old interface was very clunky. If the issue is that the more iconic quality of the buttons don't communicate their function immediately, then yes, maybe include some kind of intro-screen which describes their function before they embed into the interface, but personally, I think it's unnecessary and I'd rather you spent your time looking at the interface for Mahiki in the time remaining.

  3. Oh - and I keep forgetting to give you this feedback, Bo - but I think you should revisit the sound-mix on Num Num. When it played in lecture theatre 1, of all the films, it was the one where I had to keep turning down the volume, as in comparison with the others, it was much louder. There's a slight hard edge to both Num Num's vocals and your own here and I'm a bit worried when people have headphones on that it's going to be too loud (and we won't be able to adjust the volume of different animations at the show). Can you take another look at the mix and soften out some of the spikes?
